Allow Authenticated IOS Game Center Users to Auto

I am making an iphone app (a game) and while it will not be my first game, it will be my first game that uses a network connection (I intend on adding a few multiplier features) So, now for my question. I want the player to be able to open my app, sign into game center, and then use that to connect to my server. Is this possible? In other words:

Player signs in to game center
Sends username to my server
if (game center username doesnt exist)
Add their username to my sql database
else if (username does exist)
Send sign in successful message to device.

I believe I read another question from a while ago asking how to do this, but the answer said something about using the device UDID, which I do not want to do (for obvious reasons if you read technology related news).

So anyway, is there a trusted way that I can be sure that the user is who they say they are once they authenticate with game center that I can use to authenticate them against my server? Thank you

I think instead of UDID you can use GKPlayer.playerID which is unique to each gamecenter account. For your other purposes you can customize the completion block of authenticate handler

GKLocalPlayer * __weak localPlayer = [GKLocalPlayer localPlayer];

    localPlayer.authenticateHandler = ^(UIViewController *viewController, NSError *error)
        if (viewController != nil)
            [currentViewController presentViewController:viewController animated:YES completion:nil];

        else if (localPlayer.isAuthenticated)
            NSLog(@"Player authenticated");

            /* Your custom methods here
            Sends username to my server -- send localPlayer.playerID to your server
            if (game center username doesnt exist)
            Add their username to my sql database
            else if (username does exist)
            Send sign in successful message to device.
            NSLog(@"Player not authenticated");
        NSLog(@"Error: %@",error);


上一篇: 不能接收游戏中心的邀请

下一篇: 允许经过身份验证的IOS游戏中心用户自动运行