Rating a game within the app using game center

I'm currently developing an iOS game with SpriteKit using Swift, and I'm looking at different capabilities I could implement in my app. As I've seen in many games, you can rate a game without leaving the app within game center. Here's an example:


However, I've thoroughly searched how this works and how to implement it (as well as the Facebook Liking) without finding results. Even Apple's GameKit documentation doesn't seem to even mention this. Moreover, it seems really weird that I can rate and click done as many times as I want on the game center screen. So, is it possible to rate a game without leaving the app using game center?

Yes. You'll have to configure your app for game center and use GKGameCenterViewController() to get a view controller and present it to display that screen. You may also need to implement the GKGameCenterControllerDelegate protocol.

Read the Game Center Programming Guide for more info:


链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/68238.html

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