Slow defaults access for key ClientState warning on iOS

I'm getting a "Slow defaults access for key ClientState took 0.034635 seconds, tolerance is 0.020000" warning when testing my iOS app - it seems to occur intermittently. I've tried to look around to see what it is about, but I'm not entirely sure! Any help appreciated, thanks.

My best guess is that the first Viewcontroller is taking to long to load.

I never got this message until adding a large background png to the first view controller which now exhibits the same behaviour but all the time. Take out the png and I did not get it on 5 loads.

Guessing same as depicus: first viewController loads too long.

In my case app starts by populating tableView from last saved CoreData. Right after that server tells me authorization has expired, I start re-auth and facebook login view comes on-screen - on top of tableView.

This is were I get that error. Without facebook login, everything is ok == fast enough.

SMSidat - I had the same problem and was looking found forever. I have an sqlite database and upon loading the vc that accessed the database it stated "slow defaults .....clientState took to long to load and all.

Try to remove Auto Layout from your nibs. Once I did that, no more "slow defaults...warning"!! Even though this is from 3 years ago...Hope it can help someone out.

Here is a link to the tread that helped me out Slow UIViewController load time (slow ClientState warning)


上一篇: 将nil rootViewController推送到目标<UINavigationController

下一篇: 在iOS上,缓慢地访问主键ClientState警告