Read entire file in Scala?

What's a simple and canonical way to read an entire file into memory in Scala? (Ideally, with control over character encoding.)

The best I can come up with is:"file.txt").getLines.reduceLeft(_+_)

or am I supposed to use one of Java's god-awful idioms, the best of which (without using an external library) seems to be:

import java.util.Scanner
new Scanner(new File("file.txt")).useDelimiter("Z").next()

From reading mailing list discussions, it's not clear to me that is even supposed to be the canonical I/O library. I don't understand what its intended purpose is, exactly.

... I'd like something dead-simple and easy to remember. For example, in these languages it's very hard to forget the idiom ...

Ruby    open("file.txt").read
Python  open("file.txt").read()

val lines ="file.txt").mkString

By the way, " scala. " isn't really necessary, as it's always in scope anyway, and you can, of course, import io's contents, fully or partially, and avoid having to prepend "io." too.

The above leaves the file open, however. To avoid problems, you should close it like this:

val source ="file.txt")
val lines = try source.mkString finally source.close()

Another problem with the code above is that it is horrible slow due to its implementation nature. For larger files one should use:

source.getLines mkString "n"

Just to expand on Daniel's solution, you can shorten things up tremendously by inserting the following import into any file which requires file manipulation:


With this, you can now do:

val lines = fromFile("file.txt").getLines

I would be wary of reading an entire file into a single String . It's a very bad habit, one which will bite you sooner and harder than you think. The getLines method returns a value of type Iterator[String] . It's effectively a lazy cursor into the file, allowing you to examine just the data you need without risking memory glut.

Oh, and to answer your implied question about Source : yes, it is the canonical I/O library. Most code ends up using due to its lower-level interface and better compatibility with existing frameworks, but any code which has a choice should be using Source , particularly for simple file manipulation.

// for file with utf-8 encoding
val lines ="file.txt", "utf-8").getLines.mkString

上一篇: “滚动”到长文本输入的最右侧

下一篇: 在Scala中读取整个文件?