AWS Nodejs official SDK support for getSignedUrl with CloudFront & RTMP

I have searched here under CloudFront and I don't see a method to generate a signed url for my RTMP endpoint using NodeJs SDK. I realize S3 has the method:

(String?) getSignedUrl(operation, params, callback)
Get a pre-signed URL for a given operation name.

Does this method exist for CloudFront? I know the procedure exists according to this:

If not, are there any alternate method to generating a signed url? I want the link to stop working after a minute or so because I don't want someone to steal my links and download content. Am I approaching this correctly?

For now AWS Nodejs SDK does not support getSignedUrl with CloudFront.

It is possible with .net & co, but not yet with Nodejs. Some developers prefer to use S3 instead of Cloudfront for serving signedUrl, because it is a lot easier. Serving files stored in S3 in express/nodejs app

But some have reproduced what the method getSignedUrl should do for CloudFront. Creating signed S3 and Cloudfront URLs via the AWS SDK

Thanks to Jason who has even made a package for that. On NPM :

Update: This method is available as of the 2017-03-25 api version of the AWS SDK for Javascript in the AWS.CloudFront.Signer class.


上一篇: Amazon S3重定向和Cloudfront

下一篇: AWS Nodejs官方SDK支持带有CloudFront&RTMP的getSignedUrl