access denied for manifest file

I am new to Amazon web CloudFront console and S3 buckets. I am trying to get on-demand streaming work. When tried to view my uploaded video- ism file in the s3 bucket, I get the following XML response when entered following URL in a web browser:

<Message>Access Denied</Message>

I am able to download this same ism file, using an url; Then why only an issue with the manifest file which I will be accessing from my application?

From the following documentation given on Amazon, I have followed all 4 steps and I am now stuck at Step- 5.

What could I be missing? Any help is appreciated.

Amazon S3 does not know how to handle ism files, that's why /manifest doesn't work. What you need to do is configure your distribution with smooth streaming enabled, like the link you provided, and replace the s3 URL with cloudfront.


上一篇: Amazon Kinesis动态调整流大小

下一篇: 拒绝清单文件的访问