How to start object orient programming in C++?

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The Definitive C++ Book Guide and List

Basically I am from C, Embedded C field. After working for 5 yrs in this field, I would like to start C++. Now, I have started learning C++. But the Class concept is not clicking in my head. Please suggest me how should I start Class concept or some good and simple website where I can start C++ easily. And please suggest me some good C++ problems (Websites where I can find some C++ exercises).

Have a look at Definitive C++ Book Guide. Since you have a C background I'd recommend "Accelerated C++" by Koenig and Moo, because it shows code in Modern C++ ideoms from the start. this will probably help you focus on the differences between C and C++ and show you which parts of your C habits you will have to unlearn.

If you want to learn C++, Stroustrups "The C++ language" is a very good starting point imo. Personally I also learned a lot from Scott Meyers "Effective C++" and "More Effective C++"

Also I think that, considering your embedded background, you might not only need to "learn the language" but also work on your understanding of Object Oriented Programming. I think one of the basic books in this field is Grady Booch's "Object Oriented Analysis and Design" and the "Gang of Four": Gamma/Helm/Johnson/Vlissides "Design Patterns" (although both books are written with a Java background)

C ++最初来自c,本书可能会帮助你理解c ++:“C ++对象模型内部”


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