Github pull request issue
I have the following scenario:
I am sure the solution is obvious to the git experts who know how to fix this. So far I could not find it, so please share.
I suggest you to do a git rebase
for this scenario.
Git Rebase Official Doc
What it does is, checkout to branch you specify while doing a rebase, lets say you have pr#2 and pr#3 pending, You clone the repo and do while in the branch which generated the PR,
git rebase develop
It will say that rebase in prgress, so, you go and solve conflicts in that process, and do a
git add
Now, the rebase either continue or stop if do not have more conflicts. If you have, you can read status in terminal, to continue,
git rebase --continue
Now, do that until all conflicts are resolved.
And finally when you checkout to the branch for that PR, you should see that there are NO conflicts, and branch can be automatically merged (by pushing to remote repo obviously).
Now, repeat the same process for pr#3, and you are done.
In summary,
git rebase develop
git add <files>
git rebase --continue
repeat this for pr#3 also.
All you need to do is, checkout on those pull requests: git checkout PR1
pull the latest the changes on develop branch. git pull origin develop
Review your corresponding changes. and push to your respective PR. The git remote PR gets updated with new changes and your CI will approve accordingly as well.
You should consider removing version info in your code and only inject it when you really release or deploy the application.
This way your source code is not getting dirty with continues version changes.
Of course you want git to check for changes and tell you when there are conflicts. I suggest you use an alternative solution so conflicts will not occur and merging will become easy. (read through my whole post to have a complete solution)
Partial Solution in your case
Instead of having a definite version have a relative versioning number.
What i mean is this: have a file with release notes. and every time someone does a pull request he adds a row in this file. The file would look like this:
1.0.0 Added a major breaking change
0.1.0 Added a feature
0.0.1 Added a bugfix
1.0.0 Another major change
0.0.1 Bugfix
0.0.1 Another bugfix
On release you calculate your version by either:
Fixing conflicts
Instead of putting all the version notes in one file: make people write a version note per file like in the following syntax: [yyyy-mm-dd] [] [informational note about the change/fix]
/ Problem is that the versioning might end up being wrong if you accept an newer pull request before the older one and the continues integration kicks of in the mean time.
Final solution
In your git repository.
have a folder called `/release-notes'
If anyone mades a change a file must be added here stating the changes made (preferable you work on one feature or fix at the same time).
This file has the following format [Date] [Version bump] [Description].[Optional file extension] eg: 2016-10-26 Added new versioning tooling.txt
As long as date and description are unique you will not have conflicts , unless of-course the code that was changed contains conflicts.
your homework: make tooling that reads these files and accumulates the version number. You could also read the contents of the file and use it as release notes description.
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