Xcode 5 can't find header files in usr/include

Im working on a C++ project in Xcode with some external header files and Xcode is unable to find header files in usr/include

I have also tried adding usr/include in Search Header Files Path but it's not working However Xcode can find all the header files in usr/local/include when I add usr/local/include in Search Header Files but not in usr/include

usr/include doesn't work in Header Search Paths but usr/local/include works. Am I missing something? Permission settings or anything for usr/include


Also gives error (ld: library not found for -lGLEW.1.11.0) when I add usr/lib but works for usr/local/lib

If nothing else works, you can always add the include directory manually by specifying -I/usr/include in Other C++ Flags .

EDIT after comments:

In a similar fashion, you can add -lGLEW1.11.11.0 -L/usr/lib in Other Linker Flags .

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/68810.html

上一篇: 如何在Mac上使用cmake

下一篇: Xcode 5在usr / include中找不到头文件