Flash and AIR technologies on apple's computers

我在几周前看到几个adobe AIR网站上的一些笔记,他们说adobe AIR将不会在苹果的mac-book-pro设备上得到支持,并且正在使用adobe AIR和闪存技术开发应用程序,而且我也有确保它可以在苹果电脑上运行?

Flash and AIR are completely compatible with Apple's full-fledged computers. These are anything that run Mac OS X (to say nothing of OS version requirements), like Mac Pro, MacBook (Pro), MacBook Air, iMac, Mac Mini.

Flash and AIR are not compatible with iOS devices: iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad.

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/69100.html

上一篇: 使用Adobe Flash Builder移动设备上的声学回声消除(AEC)

下一篇: 苹果电脑上的Flash和AIR技术