Acoustic Echo Cancellation in AIR Mobile on iOS

We are developing a video chat app for iOS using AIR Mobile and the acoustic echo is a real show stopper. getEnhancedMicrophone() returns null so apparently Adobe can't help us here.

However, unlike Android, it looks like acoustic echo cancellation is a standard feature on iOS. Is there a way to use Native Extensions, for example, to enable AEC in our app using kAudioUnitSubType_VoiceProcessingIO ?

This question is iOS-only, we're not interested in Android at this point.

Unfortunately, I am pretty sure you cannot use a native extension (ANE) for this to work with AIR mobile. NetStream can only attach Adobe's Camera and Microphone classes so there is no integration point.

And as you know, as of December 17, 2015, Adobe has still not addressed AEC for AIR on mobile devices, on either Apple or Android platforms.

However, a contact of mine talked with Chris Campbell at Adobe a couple of times early in 2015 regarding AEC for AIR Mobile, and Chris said at one point that they had cleared legal WRT licensing issues related to AEC, and he was pitching AEC for inclusion in AIR 20 for Mobile (December 2015) so it's possible it will be announced soon, though I'm not holding my breath.

I haven't seen any other public indications that Adobe is going to do this. I know it would be a tremendous enabler for developers of video chat-based apps, to include support for mobile devices.


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