How to implement composite keys in Neo4J
I need to ensure that a combination of more than one property values in all nodes is unique. How to do that in Neo4J.
From Neo4J documentation available at, it's possible to ensure uniqueness of one property. But what about combination of 2 or more.
public Node getOrCreateUserWithUniqueFactory(final String firstName, final String lastname, GraphDatabaseService graphDb) {
UniqueFactory<Node> factory = new UniqueFactory.UniqueNodeFactory(graphDb, "users") {
protected void initialize(Node created, Map<String, Object> properties) {
created.setProperty("id", properties.get("id"));
created.setProperty("firstName", firstName);
created.setProperty("lastName", lastname);
return factory.getOrCreate("id", firstName + "_" + lastname);
下一篇: 如何在Neo4J中实现组合键