Trying to implement HTTPS on selected pages which are making POST request

I am trying to implement HTTPS on selected pages which are making POST request in my rails 3.1 project. But not have any success after trying all kind of gems ssl_requirement , rack-ssl-enforcer . All the gems are helping in making GET request as HTTPS but not have any success for POST request.

Can anybody please help me with this problem?

我发现解决方案使用了rack-ssl-enforcer ,并将这些行放在我的application.rb文件中,这使得它可以工作

 config.middleware.use Rack::SslEnforcer, :only => [%r{^/users/}], :mixed => true

上一篇: PostgreSQL中的索引查询性能不稳定

下一篇: 尝试在正在发出POST请求的选定页面上实现HTTPS