Ember router: Asynchronous model (promises?)

[This is about the new 1.0.0-pre.4+ router.]

I want to return from an Ember Route's model method a record that needs asynchronous callbacks to load, for instance because it requires that we load multiple (nested) models. What's the best way to do this?

Here is sample code from a hypothetical blog app that illustrates the problem:

App.Router.map ->
  @resource 'filteredArticles', path: '/:filter'

App.FilteredArticlesRoute = Ember.Route.extend
  model: (params) ->
    blog = App.Blog.find(1) # get the user's Blog singleton
    property = switch params.filter
      when 'published' then 'publishedArticles'
      when 'draft' then 'drafts'
      when 'all' then 'articles'
    # Return the list of articles from the `blog` record.
    # But `blog` hasn't necessarily finished loading :(

I'm in the middle of rewriting Travis CI to the newest ember version and I faced the same problem - we fetch repositories by slug (eg emberjs/ember.js ), which is not the primary key. My solution involves using Ember.ProxyObject .

When someone enters the path like /emberjs/ember.js , the params will look like:

{ owner: 'emberjs', name: 'ember.js` }

and thus slug will equal emberjs/ember.js .

With such information, I create simple Ember object, which just keeps slug and isLoaded properties:

content = Ember.Object.create slug: slug, isLoaded: false

Then I create a proxy with this object as the content:

proxy = Ember.ObjectProxy.create(content: content)

Now I can load the record from the server using slug and return the proxy as the model. When I get the record from the server, I simply set proxies content to the actual record.

Full solution is here:

deserialize: (params) ->
  slug = "#{params.owner}/#{params.name}"
  content = Ember.Object.create slug: slug, isLoaded: false
  proxy = Ember.ObjectProxy.create(content: content)

  repos = Travis.Repo.bySlug(slug)

  observer = ->
    if repos.get 'isLoaded'
      repos.removeObserver 'isLoaded', observer
      proxy.set 'content', repos.objectAt(0)

  if repos.length
    proxy.set('content', repos[0])
    repos.addObserver 'isLoaded', observer


You can also take a look at the rest of the code on github


blogReady: function() {
  if(this.get('isLoaded') {
     // switch logic
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/69148.html

上一篇: 如何在不退出REPL的情况下停止Clojure中的函数执行?

下一篇: Ember路由器:异步模式(承诺?)