I've looked around at a few different postings but haven't been able to find an answer to my problem. Recently I realized I wasn't using E_STRICT in my error_reporting, so I added error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT) and have been going through debugging errors that I find.
The problem I am facing now is with error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT) some of the pages won't load at all, I am given a white screen with no errors and no information as to what is wrong. If I use simply error_reporting(E_ALL) from the error_reporting everything loads fine..
I have the same error_reporting set up in my php.ini as well as my website.
I was also able to figure out exactly where the script was breaking (on an include_once for a file that does exist.)
I suppose I could survive with just using E_ALL as I have been up until now, but I am curious as to what the major problems are. Any help is much appreciated
As far as I'm concerned, the errors may be stored in the same directory in a file called error_log
. My website host turned the reporting feature off, and all the errors are stored in the error_log
Completely based on experience.
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