(C++) Very Basic Questions Regarding Syntax

C++ novice here. I have some basic questions. In int main( int argc, char *argv[] )

  • How is char *argv[] supposed to be read (or spoken out to humans)?
  • Is it possible to clear/erase specific content(s), character(s) in this case, of such array? If yes, how?
  • Can arrays be resized? If yes, how?
  • How can I copy the entire content of argv[] to a single std::string variable?
  • Are there other ways of determining the number of words / parameters in argv[] without argc ? If yes, how? (*)
  • I'd appreciate explanations (not code) for numbers 2-5. I'll figure out the code myself (I learn faster this way).

    Thanks in advance.

    (*) I know that main(char *argv[]) is illegal. What I mean is whether there's at least a way that does not involve argc at all, like in the following expressions:

    for( int i = 0; i < argc; ++i ) {
        std::cout << argv[i] << std::endl;


    int i = 0;    
    while( i < argc ) {
        std::cout << argv[i] << std::endl;


    int i = 0;
    do { 
         std::cout << argv[i] << std::endl;
         ++i; } while( i < argc );

    1) It is supposed to be char **argv or char *argv[] which is a pointer to an array of characters more commonly known as an array of strings

    2) CString is the std library to manipulate C strings (arrays of characters). You cannot resize an array without reallocating, but you can change the contents of elements by referencing it by index:

    for(int i = 0; i < argc; ++i)
       //set all the strings to have a null character in the
       //first slot so all Cstring operations on this array, 
       //will consider it a null (empty) string
       argv[i] = 0;

    3) Technically no, however they can be deleted then reallocated:

    int *array = new int[15]; //array of size 15
    delete[] array;
    array = new int[50]; //array of size 50

    4) This is one way:

    string *myString;
    if(argc > 0)
       myString = new string(argv[0]);
       for(int i = 1; i < argc; ++i)

    5) Yes, according to Cubbi:

    POSIX specifies the final null pointer for argv, see for example "The application shall ensure that the last member of this array is a null pointer." at pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/functions/exec.html

    Which means you can do:

    char *val = NULL;
    int i = 0;
       val = argv[i++]; //access argv[i], store it in val, then increment i
       //do something with val
    } while(val != NULL); //loop until end of argv array

  • It's an array of pointers to char.

  • Sort of - you can overwrite them.

  • Only by copying to a new array.

  • Write a loop and append each argv[i] to a C++ string.

  • Most implementations terminate the array with a NULL pointer. I can't remember if this is standard or not.

  • char **argv[]

    Is wrong. It should be either char **argv or char *argv[] , not a mixture of both. And then it becomes a pointer-to-pointer to characters, or rather a pointer to c-strings, ie, an array of c-strings. :) cdecl.org is also quite helpful at thing like this.
    Then, for the access, sure. Just, well, access it. :) argv[0] would be the first string, argv[3] would be the 4th string. But I totally wouldn't recommend replacing stuff in an array that isn't yours or that you know the internals of.
    On array resize, since you're writing C++, use std::vector , which does all the complicated allocation stuff for you and is really safe. Generally, it depends on the array type. Dynamically allocated arrays ( int* int_arr = new int[20] ) can, static arrays ( int int_arr[20] ) can't.
    To copy everything in argv into a single std::string , loop through the array and append every c-string to your std::string . I wouldn't recommend that though, rather have a std::vector<std::string> , ie, an array of std::strings , each holding one of the arguments.

    std::vector<std::string> args;
    for(int i=0; i < argc; ++i){

    On your last point, since the standard demands argv to be terminated by a NULL pointer, it's quite easy.

    int myargc = 0;
    char** argv_copy = argv;

    The while(++argv_copy) will first increment the pointer of the array, letting it point to the next element (eg, after the first iteration it will point at c-string #2 ( argv[1] )). After that, if the pointer evaluates to false (if it is NULL ), then the loop brakes and you have your myargc . :)

    链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/6924.html

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