apache2 not loading php codes

This index.php file worked fine until recently. my server is running ubuntu 15.04

i have tried complete reinstalling php5 and apache2 package.

My index.php: http://gyazo.com/26fe168e7bf0695233f61d7d1eb29b47

instead of running the include_once code it totally ignores it...

what view source from website shows: http://gyazo.com/09606d26de4fd9002eb3265def95f52c

help?? :(

update: everything works fine in dreamweaver like it supposed to. I think its the serverside problem. I have not altered anything that could cause this screw up >.>

error log


HTML works fine by its self. php echo works. but my php_includes is causing all the problems

when i add a / into file location (php include_once("/filename.php")) it decides to: gyazo.com/9b530bc9383ab9be534b41e639920f0f but doesnt show or run the php codes.

I assume that if you make a simple "Hello World" PHP page the output is empty, right?

echo "Hello world!";

Does any error message appears? Has the server actually ever printed anything like a phpinfo(), for example?

You could try to restart apache with the following command:

sudo systemctl restart apache2

我没有关闭{},因此导致其余代码无法正常工作。/ ...

When you view the sources from your browser you will only see HTML, it is because the server will only return a HTML code.
Is the extension ".php" otherwise it will be treated as a normal HTML page and everything else will be ignored.
If it is a php page, could you post the content of the included files? what do you expect to see?

Edit: after reading the error logs. From the error logs you posted, you get a lot of file not found errors like :"include_once(): Failed opening '/php_includes/check_login_status.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear') in /var/www/html/index.php on line 13" which is a problem of path. You may try the answer in this question it tells how to include files the correct way.

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/69270.html

上一篇: 如何在没有mysql的数据库上授予数据库特权?

下一篇: apache2不加载php代码