How to remove MySQL root password

I want to remove the password for user root in localhost. How can I do that? By mistake I have set the password of root user. That's why phpmyadmin is giving an error:

#1045 - Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)

You need to set the password for root@localhost to be blank. There are two ways:

  • The MySQL SET PASSWORD command:

    SET PASSWORD FOR root@localhost=PASSWORD('');
  • Using the command-line mysqladmin tool:

    mysqladmin -u root -pType_in_your_current_password_here password ''

  • I have also been through this problem,

    First i tried setting my password of root to blank using command :

    SET PASSWORD FOR root@localhost=PASSWORD('');

    But don't be happy , PHPMYADMIN uses not localhost , i know you would say both are same but that is not the case , use the command mentioned underneath and you are done.

    SET PASSWORD FOR root@'');

    Just replace localhost with and you are done .


    上一篇: phpMyAdmin访问被拒绝

    下一篇: 如何删除MySQL根密码