Is it possible to overload operators in PHP?


If you are using PHP5 (and you should be), take a look at the SPL ArrayObject classes. The documentation isn't too good, but I think if you extend ArrayObject, you'd have your "fake" array.

EDIT: Here's my quick example; I'm afraid I don't have a valuable use case though:

class a extends ArrayObject {
    public function offsetSet($i, $v) {
        echo 'appending ' . $v;
        parent::offsetSet($i, $v);

$a = new a;
$a[] = 1;

Actually, the optimal solution is to implement the four methods of the ArrayAccess interface:

If you would also like to use your object in the context of 'foreach', you'd have to implement the 'Iterator' interface:

PHP's concept of overloading and operators (see Overloading, and Array Operators) is not like C++'s concept. I don't believe it is possible to overload operators such as +, -, [], etc.

Possible Solutions

  • Implement SPL ArrayObject (as mentioned by cbeer).
  • Implement Iterator (if ArrayObject is too slow for you).
  • Use the PECL operator extension (as mentioned by Benson).
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