PHP: dealing with traits with methods of same name
I've search all over this site and google and I ended up creating this account...
I need some help with php, traits and classes. I have this 2 different traits, that have some methods with the same name.
The problem relies on that I need both of them! I can't use insteadof...
Here goes an example code:
trait traitA {
protected $myvar;
public function myfunc($a) { $this->myvar = $a; }
trait traitB
public function myfunc($a) { $this->myvar = $a * $a; }
class myclass
protected $othervar;
use traitA, traitB {
traitA::myfunc as protected t1_myfunc;
traitB::myfunc as protected t2_myfunc;
public function func($a) {
$this->myvar = $a * 10;
$this->othervar = t2_myfunc($a);
public function get() {
echo "myvar: " . $this->myvar . " - othervar: " . $this->othervar;
$o = new myclass;
So, this example ends in an obvious
Fatal error: Trait method myfunc has not been applied, because there are collisions with other trait methods on myclass
How can I solve this without changing those method's name? Is it possible?
On a side note, this is the worst editor I've ever seen in my life!
You still need to resolve the conflict in favour of one trait. Here you only aliased the name. It's not a renaming, but an alias.
Add to the use
traitA::myfunc insteadof traitB;
(or traitB::myfunc insteadof traitA;
and it should work.
You now have two aliases as wanted and the conflict is resolved too.
链接地址:上一篇: 如何对PHP特性进行单元测试
下一篇: PHP:使用同名方法处理特征