Override association mapping of a trait property in Doctrine 2.6


  • PHP 7.1.8
  • Symfony 3.3.9
  • Doctrine 2.6.x-dev
  • I wonder if it's possible to override an inversedBy attribute of a property association mapping that's taken from a trait.

    An interface that I use as a concrete user entity placeholder:


    interface EntrantInterface
        public function getEmail();
        public function getFirstName();
        public function getLastName();
  • The following architecture works just fine (need to create User entity that implements EntrantInterface and all other entities that are derived from these abstract classes in AppBundle ):
  • ReusableBundleEntityEntry.php

     * @ORMMappedSuperclass
    abstract class Entry
         * @var EntrantInterface
         * @ORMManyToOne(targetEntity="ReusableBundleModelEntrantInterface", inversedBy="entries")
         * @ORMJoinColumn(name="user_id")
        protected $user;
        // getters/setters...


     * @ORMMappedSuperclass
    abstract class Timestamp
         * @var EntrantInterface
         * @ORMManyToOne(targetEntity="ReusableBundleModelEntrantInterface", inversedBy="timestamps")
         * @ORMJoinColumn(name="user_id")
        protected $user;
        // getters/setters...

    And couple more entities with similar structure that utilize EntranInterface

  • And this is what I want to achieve - UserAwareTrait to be reusable across several entities:
  • ReusableBundleEntityTraitsUserAwareTrait.php

    trait UserAwareTrait
         * @var EntrantInterface
         * @ORMManyToOne(targetEntity="ReusableBundleModelEntrantInterface")
         * @ORMJoinColumn(name="user_id")
        protected $user;
        // getter/setter...

    In Doctrine 2.6 if I would use super class and wanted to override its property I'd do this:

     * @ORMMappedSuperclass
     * @ORMAssociationOverrides({
     *     @ORMAssociationOverride({name="property", inversedBy="entities"})
     * })
    abstract class Entity extends SuperEntity
        // code...

    But if I want that Entity to use UserAwareTrait and override association mapping of a property...

     * @ORMMappedSuperclass
     * @ORMAssociationOverrides({
     *     @ORMAssociationOverride({name="user", inversedBy="entries"})
     * })
    abstract class Entry
        use UserAwareTrait;
        // code...

    ... and run php bin/console doctrine:schema:validate I see this error in the console:

    Invalid field override named 'user' for class 'ReusableBundleEntityEntry'.

    Is there a workaround that I could follow to achieve the desired result?

  • Use trait to store shared properties

  • Override assotiation mapping or (possibly) attributes mapping in the class that uses that trait

  • TL;DR You should change the access modificator from protected to private . Don't forget that you will not be able to directly manipulate the private property in a subclass and will need a getter.

    The exception appears due to the bug (I believe, or a quirk of the behavior) in the AnnotationDriver .

    foreach ($class->getProperties() as $property) {
        if ($metadata->isMappedSuperclass && ! $property->isPrivate()
            ...) {

    It skips all non-private properties for MappedSuperclass letting them to compose metadata on the subclass parsing. But when it comes to overriding the driver tries to do it at a MappedSuperclass level, it doesn't remember that the property was skipped, fails to find it in the metadata and raise an exception.

    I made a detailed explanation at the issue. You can find there also the link to the unit tests that highlight the case.

    You'll have to try this in your own code to see, but it could be possible.

    As an experiment, I overridden a trait in a class, then checked for the trait using class_uses() http://php.net/manual/en/function.class-uses.php

    trait CanWhatever
        public function doStuff()
            return 'result!';
    class X
        use CanWhatever;
        public function doStuff()
            return 'overridden!';
    $x = new X();
    echo $x->doStuff();
    echo "n$x has ";
    echo (class_uses($x, 'CanWhatever')) ? 'the trait' : 'no trait';

    This outputs:

    $x has the trait

    Which you can see here https://3v4l.org/Vin2H

    However, Doctrine Annotations may still pick up the DocBlock from the trait proper rather than the overridden method, which is why I can't give you a definitive answer. You just need to try it and see!


    use UserAwareTrait;
     * @var EntrantInterface
     * @ORMManyToOne(targetEntity="ReusableBundleModelEntrantInterface"inversedBy="entries")
    protected $user;
    链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/69388.html

    上一篇: 调用非成员函数

    下一篇: 在Doctrine 2.6中覆盖特征属性的关联映射