Deep copy (clone) of an object with matrix (Java)

i have some trouble with deep copying. I have this java project, chess, and I need to use the clone() method, because I need to try new configurations without changing the board.

    Board scacchiera = new Board();
    Board clone = scacchiera.clone();

I create an object, scacchiera, then I clone it. I think I have done correctly a deep copy, but when I change something in scacchiera, clone changes too. In object Board:

public class Board implements Cloneable{
//rivedere se check e checkmate public o private;
//se private, costruire get e set;

public Pedine[][] board;
public boolean check;
public boolean checkmate;
//creating 2 lists for all the pieces; Neri=black, Bianchi=White
public ArrayList<Pedine> Neri;
public ArrayList<Pedine> Bianchi;

public Board(){

    this.board = new Pedine [8][8];
    this.check = false;
    this.checkmate = false;
    this.Neri = new ArrayList<Pedine>();
    this.Bianchi = new ArrayList<Pedine>();



public Board clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException{

    Board cloned = (Board) super.clone();
    cloned.board = (Pedine[][]) board.clone();
    return cloned;

I have this double array of Pedine, and I have to clone it too, so I do:

public class Pedine implements Cloneable{

private int x;
private int y;
private Piece pezzo;
private Colour colore;


public Pedine clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException{

    return (Pedine) super.clone();


Why it doesn't work?

I tried this code too, but it doesn't work.

public Board clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException{

    Board cloned = (Board) super.clone();
    cloned.board = (Pedine[][]) board.clone();
    for (int i=0; i<8; i++)
        for(int j=0; j<8; j++){
            cloned.board[i][j] = board[i][j].clone();
    return cloned;

(Pedine extends Object)

The problem, as sharonbn indicates, is in the double-array. While you can clone it manually with a double-loop, your chess engine is going to suffer a performance penalty: you will be cloning a lot of boards, and you can benefit from making them a lot easier to copy around.

One option is to use a flat array and some clever addressing to speed things up:

private Piece[] board; // 64 Pieces in there
public Piece at(col, row) {
    if (row < 0 || row >= 8 || col < 0 || col >= 8) return null;
    return board[col + row*8];

Now, instead of accessing board[row][col] you use at(col, row) . And copying and creating boards is a lot easier:

board = other.board.clone(); 

... should now work as expected.

I also strongly recommend having immutable pieces, with no state information whatsoever. Your current pieces have an x and y field, for example. What do they need those for? You should tell them their actual positions only while moving them; that way, you don't need to clone pieces at all -- because all pawns are exactly alike, and you can actually use the same "black pawn" for everything black-pawn related.



上一篇: JavaScript的“新”关键字是否有害?

下一篇: 具有矩阵(Java)的对象的深拷贝(克隆)