Are there any Maven based HTML Validators
I've got a project that contains a number of HTML files. As part of my Maven build process I'd like to run a validator across these files to make sure that:
Can anybody recomend a good validator that would do this?
I'm using Sonar with the 2 significant plugins as
This plugin enables analysis of XML files within Sonar. Some common use cases are:
2 .Web Plugin
The plugin provides static code analysis of web files within Sonar. Currently JSP and JSF are supported. Some initial support is provided for Ruby templating (erb files).
The following metrics are supported:
The plugin scans the following files by default: .xhtml, .jspf, .jsp. The file extensions are configurable.
The plugin imports the source code in Sonar, calculates measurements and scans the code for violations, duplications and complexity. The checks are configurable in the Sonar rules repository.
All of them are open source. Anyhow the Sonar also provides the commercial plugin named Web(HTML, JSP) as well.
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