Help with a unexpected T

Now I have fixed the problem the T_ELSE parse error is not displaying anymore, But then how can I direct the code to display the if or the else?

Well users are going to come from either page1.php or page2.php

url coming from page1.php

url coming from page2.php

for instance if the url is coming from page1.php then cart is going to receive it like

$ids= isset($_GET['ids'])?(int) $_GET['ids']:null;

$idc= isset($_GET['idc'])?(int) $_GET['idc']:null;

if ($ids) { 
display something
elseif($idc) {
display something different

display nothing has passed 

Those are the conditions I have right but it is not working properly since it will display the else message "display nothing has passed". Again it will display the else statement even if I come from page1.php or page2.php. I guess the conditions are not well set up or it is passing empty. How can I set up the conditions so it can display either $ids statement or the elseif $idc.

I assume that 'blabla' isn't actually in your code but there is, in fact, something meaningful there.

Remember to test for something with your if statement.

if($some_condition) {
  for(blabla) {
    if($another_condition) {
    } // end of if statement inside the for loop
  }   // end of for loop.
}     // end of if statement 
else{ // line 379

}// end of else statement


if (true) {
    for (blabla) {
        if (false) {
            // do something
        }// end of if statement inside the for loop

    } //end of for loop.

} // end of if statement 
else { // line 379
    // do something else

}// end of else statement

An else statement must immediately follow an if block, and will be associated with the if block that it follows. There cannot even be an extra } between the if block and the else .

You will get that error if you have anything other than whitespace or commetns between the } that closes the if and the else .

Can you show us exactly what that part of the file contains?


上一篇: 简单的表查询语法错误?

下一篇: 帮助意外的T