Why is my not(!) unexpected?
This question already has an answer here:
The lines below:
if(strlen($username) !<13){
if(strlen($password) !<17){
are not valid. They should use >=. eg
if(strlen($username) >= 13){
if(strlen($password) >= 17){
even then, I'm pretty sure you wanted to write
if(strlen($username) <= 13){
if(strlen($password) <= 17){
as your error messages state the rules for your username and password!
I'm not sure I've seen any C derivative language use !< and !>
ADDENDUM: You're also missing upper bound checks on email length (there is one on the wikipedia page here).
You should consider writing a validator function, decomposing those nasty nested ifs which is really difficult code to maintain.
As a starter for 10:
if($password != $confirmpass){
echo ("Your passwords do not match");
return false;
// what about weird characters?
if (empty($username) || strlen($username) < 3 || strlen($username) > 13) {
echo "Your username must be between 3 and 13 characters.";
return false;
// what about weird characters?
if (empty($password) || strlen($password) < 3 || strlen($password) > 17) {
echo "Your password must be between 3 and 17 characters.";
return false;
// you'll want some kind of regex to validate that the email is well formed
if (empty($email) || strlen($email) < 3 || strlen($email) > 254) {
echo "Your email must be between 3 and 254 characters.";
return false;
$sql ="INSERT INTO users(user,pass,email) VALUES('".$username."','".md5($password)."','".$email."')";
header('Location: Login.php');
Your syntax is incorrect, you are trying to negate an comparison operator but this is not syntax in PHP. The only valid forms of >
and <
or <=
上一篇: 在c ++中存储和打印10+数字整数
下一篇: 为什么我的不是(!)意外?