How do I create a constant in Python?

Is there a way to declare a constant in Python? In Java we can create constant values in this manner:

public static final String CONST_NAME = "Name";

What is the equivalent of the above Java constant declaration in Python?

No there is not. You cannot declare a variable or value as constant in Python. Just don't change it.

If you are in a class, the equivalent would be:

class Foo(object):
    CONST_NAME = "Name"

if not, it is just


But you might want to have a look at the code snippet Constants in Python by Alex Martelli.

There's no const keyword as in other languages, however it is possible to create a Property that has a "getter function" to read the data, but no "setter function" to re-write the data. This essentially protects the identifier from being changed.

Here is an alternative implementation using class property:

Note that the code is far from easy for a reader wondering about constants. See explanation below

def constant(f):
    def fset(self, value):
        raise TypeError
    def fget(self):
        return f()
    return property(fget, fset)

class _Const(object):
    def FOO():
        return 0xBAADFACE
    def BAR():
        return 0xDEADBEEF

CONST = _Const()


##Traceback (most recent call last):
##    ...
##    CONST.FOO = 0
##TypeError: None

Code Explanation:

  • Define a function constant that takes an expression, and uses it to construct a "getter" - a function that solely returns the value of the expression.
  • The setter function raises a TypeError so it's read-only
  • Use the constant function we just created as a decoration to quickly define read-only properties.

  • And in some other more old-fashioned way:

    (The code is quite tricky, more explanations below)

    class _Const(object):
        def FOO():
            def fset(self, value):
                raise TypeError
            def fget(self):
                return 0xBAADFACE
            return property(**locals())
    CONST = _Const()
    print CONST.FOO
    CONST.FOO = 0
    ##Traceback (most recent call last):
    ##    ...
    ##    CONST.FOO = 0
    ##TypeError: None

    Note that the @apply decorator seems to be deprecated.

  • To define the identifier FOO, firs define two functions (fset, fget - the names are at my choice).
  • Then use the built-in property function to construct an object that can be "set" or "get".
  • Note hat the property function's first two parameters are named fset and fget .
  • Use the fact that we chose these very names for our own getter & setter and create a keyword-dictionary using the ** (double asterisk) applied to all the local definitions of that scope to pass parameters to the property function

  • In Python instead of language enforcing something, people use naming conventions eg __method for private methods and using _method for protected methods.

    So in same manner you can simply declare the constant as all caps eg

    MY_CONSTANT = "one"

    If you want that this constant never changes, you can hook into attribute access and do tricks, but a simpler approach is to declare a function

    def MY_CONSTANT():
        return "one"

    Only problem is everywhere you will have to do MY_CONSTANT(), but again MY_CONSTANT = "one" is the correct way in python(usually).

    You can also use namedtuple to create constants:

    >>> from collections import namedtuple
    >>> Constants = namedtuple('Constants', ['pi', 'e'])
    >>> constants = Constants(3.14, 2.718)
    >>> constants.pi
    >>> constants.pi = 3
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
    AttributeError: can't set attribute

    上一篇: 使用箭头解析带时区的字符串的日期和时间

    下一篇: 如何在Python中创建常量?