scipy.quad trouble for decreasing functions over large ranges

I have a problem with scipy.quad . In short, I have a really long and complicated set of nested functions and integrals which include an integral of a decreasing function which must be integrated over the specific range 10^2 < x < 10^20.

To demonstrate this problem simply, consider the integral of y=x^(-2) between these values using numpy.quad :

    import numpy as np
    from scipy.integrate import quad

    def func(x,z):
        "decreasing function to test"
        #print x,x**-2.
        return x**(-2.)

    #Test quad:
    print 'Quad', quad(lambda x: func(x,0.),1e2,1e20)[0]

The true answer to this integral is 0.01, however quad returns a very small value, and by uncommenting the print line in the function you can see that it only integrates over the largest x values (or is biased that way due to the log scale of the x-axis). I need to find some way of fixing this problem.

I know that you can get the correct answer by using other methods such as the Simpsons or trapezoidal rules:

    from scipy.integrate import simps
    from numpy import trapz


    print 'Simpson logspace x',simps(func(xarray,0.),xarray)
    print 'Trapezoid logspace x',trapz(func(xarray,0.),xarray)

However these include passing an array into the function, which is not possible with my actual code. Thus I'd have to include a for loop to generate ay array to integrate with, which slows the whole program down unacceptably.

Is there any trick to making quad work for this sort of x range, or anything which works like quad which I can use instead?


上一篇: 在Python中读取特定的行序列

下一篇: scipy.quad在大范围内减少功能的麻烦