RESTful URL design for search

I'm looking for a reasonable way to represent searches as a RESTful URLs.

The setup: I have two models, Cars and Garages, where Cars can be in Garages. So my urls look like:

  xxx == car id
  returns car with given id

  yyy = garage id
  returns garage with given id

A Car can exist on its own (hence the /car), or it can exist in a garage. What's the right way to represent, say, all the cars in a given garage? Something like:

/garage/yyy/cars     ?

How about the union of cars in garage yyy and zzz?

What's the right way to represent a search for cars with certain attributes? Say: show me all blue sedans with 4 doors :


or should it be /cars instead?

The use of "search" seems inappropriate there - what's a better way / term? Should it just be:


Should the search parameters be part of the PATHINFO or QUERYSTRING?

In short, I'm looking for a good guide/tutorial for cross-model REST url design, and for search.

[Update] I like Justin's answer, but he doesn't cover the multi-field search case:


or something like that. How do we go from


to the multiple field case?

For the searching, use querystrings. This is perfectly RESTful:


An advantage to regular querystrings is that they are standard and widely understood and that they can be generated from form-get.

The RESTful pretty URL design is about displaying a resource based on a structure (directory-like structure, date: articles/2005/5/13, object and it's attributes,..), the slash / indicates hierarchical structure, use the -id instead.

Hierarchical structure

I would personaly prefer:

/cars/car-id   #for cars not in garages

If a user removes the /car-id part, it brings the cars preview - intuitive. User exactly knows where in the tree he is, what is he looking at. He knows from the first look, that garages and cars are in relation. /car-id also denotes that it belongs together unlike /car/id .


The searchquery is OK as it is , there is only your preference, what should be taken into account. The funny part comes when joining searches (see below).

/cars?color=blue;type=sedan   #most prefered by me
/cars;color-blue+doors-4+type-sedan   #looks good when using car-id
/cars?color=blue&doors=4&type=sedan   #I don't recommend using &*

Or basically anything what isn't a slash as explained above.
The formula: /cars[?;]color[=-:]blue[,;+&] , * though I wouldn't use the & sign as it is unrecognizable from the text at first glance.

** Did you know that passing JSON object in URI is RESTful? **

Lists of options

/cars?color=black,blue,red;doors=3,5;type=sedan   #most prefered by me
/cars?color(black,blue,red);doors(3,5);type(sedan)   #does not look bad at all
/cars?color:(black,blue,red);doors:(3,5);type:sedan   #little difference

possible features?

Negate search strings (!)
To search any cars, but not black and red:

Joined searches
Search red or blue or black cars with 3 doors in garages id 1..20 or 101..103 or 999 but not 5 /garage[id=1-20,101-103,999,!5]/cars[color=red,blue,black;doors=3]
You can then construct more complex search queries. (Look at CSS3 attribute matching for the idea of matching substrings. Eg searching users containing "bar" user*=bar .)


Anyway, this might be the most important part for you, because you can do it however you like after all, just keep in mind that RESTful URI represents a structure which is easily understood eg directory-like /directory/file , /collection/node/item , dates /articles/{year}/{month}/{day} .. And when you omit any of last segments, you immediately know what you get.

So.., all these characters are allowed unencoded :

  • unreserved: a-zA-Z0-9_.-~
  • reserved: ;/?:@=&$-_.+!*'(),
  • unsafe*: <>"#%{}|^~[]`
  • *Why unsafe and why should rather be encoded: RFC 1738 see 2.2

    RFC 3986 see 2.2
    Despite of what I previously said, here is a common distinction of delimeters, meaning that some "are" more important than others.

  • generic delimeters: :/?#[]@
  • sub-delimeters: !$&'()*+,;=
  • More reading:
    Hierarchy: see 2.3, see 1.2.3
    url path parameter syntax
    CSS3 attribute matching
    IBM: RESTful Web services - The basics
    Note: RFC 1738 was updated by RFC 3986

    Although having the parameters in the path has some advantages, there are, IMO, some outweighing factors.

  • Not all characters needed for a search query are permitted in a URL. Most punctuation and Unicode characters would need to be URL encoded as a query string parameter. I'm wrestling with the same problem. I would like to use XPath in the URL, but not all XPath syntax is compatible with a URI path. So for simple paths, /cars/doors/driver/lock/combination would be appropriate to locate the ' combination ' element in the driver's door XML document. But /car/doors[id='driver' and lock/combination='1234'] is not so friendly.

  • There is a difference between filtering a resource based on one of its attributes and specifying a resource.

    For example, since

    /cars/colors returns a list of all colors for all cars (the resource returned is a collection of color objects)

    /cars/colors/red,blue,green would return a list of color objects that are red, blue or green, not a collection of cars.

    To return cars, the path would be

    /cars?color=red,blue,green or /cars/search?color=red,blue,green

  • Parameters in the path are more difficult to read because name/value pairs are not isolated from the rest of the path, which is not name/value pairs.

  • One last comment. I prefer /garages/yyy/cars (always plural) to /garage/yyy/cars (perhaps it was a typo in the original answer) because it avoids changing the path between singular and plural. For words with an added 's', the change is not so bad, but changing /person/yyy/friends to /people/yyy seems cumbersome.


    上一篇: 如何创建没有动词的REST URL?

    下一篇: 用于搜索的RESTful URL设计