Looping through a JSON Array gives "undefined" results

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  • 你忘记访问AlmostThere


    for (var i = 0; i < jsonData.TheArray.length; i++) {

    If you loop your array TheArray in your way, the contents var will become these two objects:

         "AlmostThere": {  


        "AlmostThere": {

    Now you want to access the value with


    but this attribute is undefined for these objects. So your console logs undefined . You have to access the value with that:


    So you get the object AlmostThere and select the attribute whatWeAreLookingFor .

    If your using jquery you should use:

    $.each(jsonData.TheArray, function() {
         console.log(contents.AlmostThere.whatWeAreLookingFor + '!');

    API: http://api.jquery.com/jquery.each/

    for... in iterates over the keys of an object. For an array, that means (approximately) the indexes 0 , 1 , 2 , etc.

    You could use Array.prototype.forEach instead:

    jsonData.theArray.forEach(function(contents) {
    链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/70018.html

    上一篇: JavaScript的

    下一篇: 通过JSON数组循环提供“未定义”结果