MAMP Pro Error: The MySQL configuration file my.cnf couldn't be written

I tried to use MAMP Pro to replace previous XAMPP on my Mac due to its easy Virtual Hosts management. However after I installed it. The MAMP, basic version works, but the Pro version keeps given me this error message:

The MySQL configuration file my.cnf couldn't be written.

I googled for a while and there are some different solutions, like create my.cnf on /etc/, but none of these works. Also the error log is empty.

Has someone encountered this before? Or does anyone have a clue how could I solve this problem? Thank you!

I just purchased MAMP PRO and I'm having this error as well. Here's what "fixed" it:

  • Open Terminal and type in sudo killall -9 mysqld . You might see "No matching processes belonging to you were found," which is fine, it means that MySQL was not running.
  • Now, in Applications, look for the regular MAMP folder. Open MAMP here and click Start Servers
  • Now open MAMP PRO and the servers should be started
  • This is just a work-around, it definitely should not require these. At the very least, this should get you up and running.

    Contacting support!

    File -> Reset to Factory Settings

    Possibly a permissions issue, but I wasn't able to resolve it. The above fixed it for me.

    I removed 'my.cnf' from '/etc' directory. Restarted MAMP pro. Started server successfully.....


    上一篇: 键盘出现时隐藏ImageView,并在键盘消失时显示

    下一篇: MAMP Pro错误:无法写入MySQL配置文件my.cnf