Provided og:image is not big enough

Since some days I'm experiencing this problem.

Here is my debug

The image provided is bigger than 200x200 px, it has unique link and there is any redirection on that page.

Linter response is 200.

When I copy and past page's link on fb it give me the choice between 3 images that are smaller than 200x200px and the one I've provided is ignored.

But If I try to share it through "Like button" or "Send button" it works fine.

It sounds like a fb Bug.


I solved using informations from this and this posts.

You can try using an image that is bigger than 200x200, with dimensions multiple of 100 , and squared .

Other useful stuffs are using jpg extension, host the image in the same server of the website and avoid any "strange" chars in filename.

I tried many of the suggestions on this post and others to no avail. The thing finally worked for me (which I have not seen elsewhere) was to add the correct prefix to the element which I previously was missing entirely.

<head prefix="og:">

Not sure if that actually fixed the problem for good or it just jogged the debugger into re-scanning the image (properly) but hopefully it helps someone else.

I got it done by renaming the image and the og:image url. Give it a try.


上一篇: 内存Python对象,用于nginx / uwsgi服务器

下一篇: 提供og:图像不够大