VS 2012 Automatically updating IIS path on launch
My employer recently upgraded us from VS 2010 to VS 2012. It's been great, but there is one minor annoyance that I'm hoping someone here can help with. In VS 2010 when I switched branches it would ask me whether I wanted to update the IIS paths. Something along the lines of "the path for port:blah is pointing here. Would you like to change it?" VS 2012 doesn't bother asking. It just changes it. I can't seem to find a setting that discourages this behavior, so I'm hoping someone else out there has. Searching IIS on any site brings up way too many results to sift through, especially considering that only one (a topic from this forum, actually) of the first thirty or so had anything to do with IIS and Visual Studio updating the paths (sadly not related to this issue). Any help would be much appreciated.
EDIT: I found the exact message. It reads: "The Web project '...' is currently configured to use the URL '...'. The Web server has this URL mapped to a different folder '...'. Would you like to remap this URL to point to this Web project's folder?"
I took this question to the MSDN forums. I received an answer there so I am just linking this question to the MSDN question.
MSDN forum question
Request on visualstudio.uservoice.com
Just my work around for this problem:
In IIS Manager, I created Sites for each branch, then I configured them using different Ports.
Open each of the web projects in VS2012, then set the properties as:
Start Action
= Don't open a page. Wait for request from external application.
= Local IIS
Project URL
: http://localhost:[PORT for this site on IIS]
This way, VS2012 will not modify the web port & path. I can still debug with different branches.
Is that helping you ?
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/70086.html下一篇: VS 2012在启动时自动更新IIS路径