Preloading images with jQuery

I'm looking for a quick and easy way to preload images with JavaScript. I'm using jQuery if that's important.

I saw this here (

function complexLoad(config, fileNames) {
  for (var x = 0; x < fileNames.length; x++) {
      id: fileNames[x],
      src: config.imgDir + fileNames[x] + config.imgFormat,
      title: "The " + fileNames[x] + " nebula"
    }).appendTo("#" + config.imgContainer).css({ display: "none" });

But, it looks a bit over-the-top for what I want!

I know there are jQuery plugins out there that do this but they all seem a bit big (in size); I just need a quick, easy and short way of preloading images!

Quick and easy:

function preload(arrayOfImages) {
        $('<img/>')[0].src = this;
        // Alternatively you could use:
        // (new Image()).src = this;

// Usage:


Or, if you want a jQuery plugin:

$.fn.preload = function() {
        $('<img/>')[0].src = this;

// Usage:



function preload(arrayOfImages) {
    $(arrayOfImages).each(function () {
        $('<img />').attr('src',this).appendTo('body').css('display','none');

Use JavaScript Image object.

This function allows you to trigger a callback upon loading all pictures. However, note that it will never trigger a callback if at least one resource is not loaded. This can be easily fixed by implementing onerror callback and incrementing loaded value or handling the error.

var preloadPictures = function(pictureUrls, callback) {
    var i,
        loaded = 0;

    for (i = 0, j = pictureUrls.length; i < j; i++) {
        (function (img, src) {
            img.onload = function () {                               
                if (++loaded == pictureUrls.length && callback) {

            // Use the following callback methods to debug
            // in case of an unexpected behavior.
            img.onerror = function () {};
            img.onabort = function () {};

            img.src = src;
        } (new Image(), pictureUrls[i]));

preloadPictures(['http://foo/', 'http://foo/', 'http://foo/', 'http://foo/'], function(){

preloadPictures(['http://foo/', 'http://foo/', 'http://foo/', 'http://foo/'], function(){

上一篇: 连字符,下划线或camelCase作为URI中的单词分隔符?

下一篇: 使用jQuery预加载图像