onAttach activity is null
In creation of a fragment, I encountered getActivity() to be null. So to narrow down the problem, I kept a local copy of activity in onAttach(Activity activity), which by definition is when it is attached to an activity.
However, I logged the activity in onAttach, and it is still null.
I'm only running into this problem in 2.3.6 and below.
Is this a known problem with support package?
The series of methods called to bring a fragment up to resumed state are:
The bold method should be the one where getActivity doesn't return null anymore.
the onAttach method should not be used to call methods of the activity object, It should be used to initialise callback interfaces. An example of these interfaces can be found here.
这个问题是因为支持包,它意味着片段是从android 3.0开始的,并且是API级别11和UP,因此您肯定会遇到android 2.3.6姜鸟应用崩溃
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/70182.html
上一篇: 数独解决方法
下一篇: onAttach活动为空