PUT Object to AWS S3 via HTTP through VPC Endpoint with proper ACL?

I am using an HTTPS client to PUT an object to Amazon S3 from an EC2 instance within a VPC that has an S3 VPC Endpoint configured. The target Bucket has a Bucket Policy that only allows access from specific VPCs, so authentication via IAM is impossible; I have to use HTTPS GET and PUT to read and write Objects.

This works fine as described, but I'm having trouble with the ACL that gets applied to the Object when I PUT it to the Bucket. I've played with setting a Canned ACL using HTTP headers like the following, but neither results in the correct behavior:

x-amz-acl: private

If I set this header, the Object is private but it can only be read by the root email account so this is no good. Others need to be able to access this Object via HTTPS.

x-amz-acl: bucket-owner-full-control

I totally thought this Canned ACL would do the trick, however, it resulted in unexpected behavior, namely that the Object became World Readable! I'm also not sure how the Owner of the Object was decided either since it was created via HTTPS, in the console the owner is listed as a seemingly random value. This is the documentation description:

Both the object owner and the bucket owner get FULL_CONTROL over the object. If you specify this canned ACL when creating a bucket, Amazon S3 ignores it.

This is totally baffling me, because according to the Bucket Policy, only network resources of approved VPCs should even be able to list the Object, let alone read it! Perhaps it has to do with the union of the ACL and the Bucket Policy and I just don't see something.

Either way, maybe I'm going about this all wrong anyway. How can I PUT an object to S3 via HTTPS and set the permissions on that object to match the Bucket Policy, or otherwise make the Bucket Policy authoritative over the ACL?

Here is the Bucket Policy for good measure:

    "Version": "2008-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": "*",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "aws:SourceVpc": "vpc-12345678"

The way that S3 ACLs and Bucket Policies work is the concept of "Least Privilege".

Your bucket policy only specifies ALLOW for the specified VPC. No one else is granted ALLOW access. This is NOT the same as denying access.

This means that your Bucket or object ACL is granting access.

In the S3 console double check who the file owner is after the PUT.

Double check the ACL for the bucket. What rights have your granted at the bucket level?

Double check the rights that you are using for the PUT operation. Unless you have granted public write access or the PUT is being ALLOWED by the bucket policy, the PUT must be using a signature. This signature will determine the permissions for the PUT operation and who owns the file after the PUT. This is determined by the ACCESS KEY used for the signature.

Your x-amz-acl should contain bucket-owner-full-control.

[EDIT after numerous comments below]

The problem that I see is that you are approaching security wrong in your example. I would not use the bucket policy. Instead I would create an IAM role and assign that role to the EC2 instances that are writing to the bucket. This means that the PUTs are then signed with the IAM Role Access Keys. This preserves the ownership of the objects. You can then have the ACL being bucket-owner-full-control and public-read (or any supported ACL permissions that you want).

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/70228.html

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下一篇: 使用适当的ACL通过VPC Endpoint通过HTTP将PUT对象传递给AWS S3?