在Access中连接记录和GROUP BY


title               part                   desc
Blah This           1                      This begins the
Blah This           2                      example table.
Some Record         1                      Hello
Another             1                      This text extends a bit
Another             2                      further so it is in
Another             3                      another record in the
Another             4                      table

在Access中,我正在建立一个查询/ SQL到GROUP BY title并连接desc字段,所以它看起来像这样:

title              desc
Blah This          This begins the example table.
Some Record        Hello
Another            This text extends a bit further so it is in another record in the table

这只能通过SQL(无VBA /脚本)完成? FOR XML PATH似乎不适用于Access,仅适用于SQL Server。 我在这里试过VBA如何提高这个查询和VBA的效率?但它太简单了。


Access中没有Group_Concat:/。 可能没有排除VBA的解决方案。

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/70269.html

上一篇: Concatenate records and GROUP BY in Access

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