Are HTTPS URLs encrypted?

Are all URLs encrypted when using TLS/SSL (HTTPS) encryption? I would like to know because I want all URL data to be hidden when using TLS/SSL (HTTPS).

If TLS/SSL gives you total URL encryption then I don't have to worry about hiding confidential information from URLs.

Yes, the SSL connection is between the TCP layer and the HTTP layer. The client and server first establish a secure encrypted TCP connection (via the SSL/TLS protocol) and then the client will send the HTTP request (GET, POST, DELETE...) over that encrypted TCP connection.

Since nobody provided a wire capture, here's one.
Server Name (the domain part of the URL) is presented in the ClientHello packet, in plain text .

The following shows a browser request to:

ClientHello SNI See this answer for more on TLS version fields (there are 3 of them - not versions, fields that each contain a version number!)


3.1. Server Name Indication

[TLS] does not provide a mechanism for a client to tell a server the name of the server it is contacting. It may be desirable for clients to provide this information to facilitate secure connections to servers that host multiple 'virtual' servers at a single underlying network address.

In order to provide the server name, clients MAY include an extension of type "server_name" in the (extended) client hello.

In short:

  • FQDN (the domain part of the URL) MAY be transmitted in clear inside the ClientHello packet if SNI extension is used

  • The rest of the URL ( /path/?some=parameters&go=here ) has no business being inside ClientHello since the request URL is a HTTP thing (OSI Layer 7), therefore it will never show up in a TLS handshake (Layer 4 or 5). That will come later on in a GET /path/?some=parameters&go=here HTTP/1.1 HTTP request, AFTER the secure TLS channel is established.


    Domain name MAY be transmitted in clear (if SNI extension is used in the TLS handshake) but URL (path and parameters) is always encrypted.

    As the other answers have already pointed out, https "URLs" are indeed encrypted. However, your DNS request/response when resolving the domain name is probably not, and of course, if you were using a browser, your URLs might be recorded too.


    上一篇: REST,HTTP DELETE和参数

    下一篇: HTTPS URL是否被加密?