REST completely stateless, possible?

Can anyone give me an example of truly stateless RESTful endpoints? a simple question, if server is completely stateless, how do we invalidate previous tokens? I consider saving state to DB as bad practice. lets say there are hundreds of requests per second, that would mean hundreds of queries to DB per second (if you save state to DB) and that's bad news. if you save state to server, you'll run into session transfer problem when using multiple servers and load balancers.

Well one example of course would be endpoints that don't need authenticating, and dependent on your structure there are others. For example if you are using something like AngularJS you don't need to have authorization in the same way as you would use it with something like a developer API - you can use session variables which can be signed and stateless.

If you are worried about performance of performing database queries on simple state things like this, it is worth looking at some solutions like Redis, which you can send hundreds of queries to with very little strain.

Stateless restful endpoints by definition wouldn't use tokens (having a lifetime) or state. If you need those, then you don't have a truly stateless restful endpoint.

As an answer to your question, a web server without authentication or a similar mechanism could be considered truly stateless rest endpoint. It would just deliver a file from disk on GET request to anyone requesting it.

Also, if authentication is hardcoded basic auth or similar mechanism sending login details on every request, it would be still stateless. When you start adding tokens that expire you definitely already have state.

For details on doing authentication in a stateless REST manner you can read up on this discussion.


上一篇: 400 BAD请求HTTP错误代码的含义?

下一篇: REST完全无状态,可能吗?