First option of dropdown not an option; force to use other options

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  • How do I make a placeholder for a 'select' box? 19 answers

  • edit: this code is only to force users to choose a valid option, instead of the one by default... validation for submit/change/etc should be added

    You should just disable the first option and setting it as selected by default:

    <select name="name">
      <option disabled="disabled" selected="selected">Select an option.</option>

    That should do the trick, demo here

    Just give display:none to the element option and disabled=disabled . Thanks to @pixshatterer

    EDIT : Put visibility:hidden by mistake.

    If you use the Validation plugin (here: and update your <select> to supply value on each <option> , if will prevent form submission if the "empty" value is selected:

    <select name="name" required>
        <option value="">Select an option...</option>
        <option value="A">A</option>
        <option value="B">B</option>
        <option value="C">C</option>

    It's also worth noting that the only valid child elements of a <select> is either <optgroup> or <option> , so remove those <br /> s.

    If jQuery is not an option, you could always add an onclick to the select or an onsubmit to the form and do a quick check on an empty string (or whatever you set the default value to).


    上一篇: 在选择选项中有一个占位符

    下一篇: 下拉菜单的第一个选项不是选项; 强迫使用其他选项