Bootstrap select dropdown list placeholder

I am trying to make a dropdown list that contains a placeholder. It doesn't seem to support placeholder="stuff" as other forms do. Is there a different way to obtain a placeholder in my dropdown?

Yes just "selected disabled" in the option.

    <option value="" selected disabled>Please select</option>
    <option value="">A</option>
    <option value="">B</option>
    <option value="">C</option>

Link to fiddle

You can also view the answer at


    <option hidden >Display but don't show in list</option>
    <option> text 1 </option>
    <option> text 2 </option>
    <option> text 3 </option>


    $('select').change(function() {
     if ($(this).children('option:first-child').is(':selected')) {
     } else {
.placeholder{color: grey;}
select option:first-child{color: grey; display: none;}
select option{color: #555;} // bootstrap default color
<script src=""></script>
<select class="form-control placeholder">
   <option value="">Your Placeholder Text</option>
   <option value="1">Text 1</option>
   <option value="2">Text 2</option>
   <option value="3">Text 3</option>

上一篇: “select”标签的占位符?

下一篇: 引导程序选择下拉列表占位符