An algorithm to draw graphs without checking all pairs of vertices?

Graph drawing algorithms, such as those described here, check all the vertices two-by-two and apply additional forces if two vertices are connected by an edge. If we have a very large graph, checking all pairs of vertices would be costly. Is there any graph drawing algorithm that draws a large graph using only existing edges, not by verifying all possible pairs?

By drawing algorithm, I meant an algorithm that assigns a 2D or 3D position to each vertex such that rendering spheres or circles (or any other shape) as vertices at their assigned positions lead to a plausible visual representation of the whole graph.

检查这个Spring-Electrical Embedding它在O(nlog n)中。



上一篇: 删除最少的边数以断开图中的两个顶点

下一篇: 一种绘制图形而不检查所有顶点对的算法?