Regex for determining credit cards in Android

This question already has an answer here:

  • How do you detect Credit card type based on number? 26 answers

  • According to one of the answers in the thread, The cards can be validated based on following data.

    Visa: ^4[0-9]{6,}$ Visa card numbers start with a 4.

    MasterCard: ^5[1-5][0-9]{5,}$ MasterCard numbers start with the numbers 51 through 55, but this will only detect MasterCard credit cards; there are other cards issued using the MasterCard system that do not fall into this IIN range.

    American Express: ^3[47][0-9]{5,}$ American Express card numbers start with 34 or 37.

    Diners Club: ^3(?:0[0-5]|[68][0-9])[0-9]{4,}$ Diners Club card numbers begin with 300 through 305, 36 or 38. There are Diners Club cards that begin with 5 and have 16 digits. These are a joint venture between Diners Club and MasterCard, and should be processed like a MasterCard.

    Discover: ^6(?:011|5[0-9]{2})[0-9]{3,}$ Discover card numbers begin with 6011 or 65.

    JCB: ^(?:2131|1800|35[0-9]{3})[0-9]{3,}$ JCB cards begin with 2131, 1800 or 35.

    So you need to create separate pattern for each case. You can do as follows.

    ArrayList<String> listOfPattern=new ArrayList<String>();
    String ptVisa = "^4[0-9]{6,}$";
    String ptMasterCard = "^5[1-5][0-9]{5,}$";
    String ptAmeExp = "^3[47][0-9]{5,}$";
    String ptDinClb = "^3(?:0[0-5]|[68][0-9])[0-9]{4,}$";
    String ptDiscover = "^6(?:011|5[0-9]{2})[0-9]{3,}$";
    String ptJcb = "^(?:2131|1800|35[0-9]{3})[0-9]{3,}$";

    and then,

    public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) {
    Log.d("DEBUG", "afterTextChanged : "+s);
    String ccNum = s.toString();
       for(String p:listOfPattern){
             Log.d("DEBUG", "afterTextChanged : discover");

    And for your last question, The following thread should help you.

    Format credit card in edit text in android


    If the card number is 16 digits for example, After applying the logic to add spaces after 4 digits, you need to remove those spaces when you process the actual card number. Then only the above logic will work.

    Hope this helps.

    Use following class to validate you card.

    public class Validator {
    public static final byte VISA = 0;
    public static final byte MASTERCARD = 1;
    public static final byte AMEX = 2;
    public static final byte DINERS_CLUB = 3;
    public static final byte CARTE_BLANCHE = 4;
    public static final byte DISCOVER = 5;
    public static final byte ENROUTE = 6;
    public static final byte JCB = 7;
    public static boolean validate(final String credCardNumber, final byte type) {
        String creditCard = credCardNumber.trim();
        boolean applyAlgo = false;
        switch (type) {
            case VISA:
                // VISA credit cards has length 13 - 15
                // VISA credit cards starts with prefix 4
                if (creditCard.length() >= 13 && creditCard.length() <= 16
                        && creditCard.startsWith("4")) {
                    applyAlgo = true;
            case MASTERCARD:
                // MASTERCARD has length 16
                // MASTER card starts with 51, 52, 53, 54 or 55
                if (creditCard.length() == 16) {
                    int prefix = Integer.parseInt(creditCard.substring(0, 2));
                    if (prefix >= 51 && prefix <= 55) {
                        applyAlgo = true;
            case AMEX:
                // AMEX has length 15
                // AMEX has prefix 34 or 37
                if (creditCard.length() == 15
                        && (creditCard.startsWith("34") || creditCard
                        .startsWith("37"))) {
                    applyAlgo = true;
            case DINERS_CLUB:
            case CARTE_BLANCHE:
                // DINERSCLUB or CARTEBLANCHE has length 14
                // DINERSCLUB or CARTEBLANCHE has prefix 300, 301, 302, 303, 304,
                // 305 36 or 38
                if (creditCard.length() == 14) {
                    int prefix = Integer.parseInt(creditCard.substring(0, 3));
                    if ((prefix >= 300 && prefix <= 305)
                            || creditCard.startsWith("36")
                            || creditCard.startsWith("38")) {
                        applyAlgo = true;
            case DISCOVER:
                // DISCOVER card has length of 16
                // DISCOVER card starts with 6011
                if (creditCard.length() == 16 && creditCard.startsWith("6011")) {
                    applyAlgo = true;
            case ENROUTE:
                // ENROUTE card has length of 16
                // ENROUTE card starts with 2014 or 2149
                if (creditCard.length() == 16
                        && (creditCard.startsWith("2014") || creditCard
                        .startsWith("2149"))) {
                    applyAlgo = true;
            case JCB:
                // JCB card has length of 16 or 15
                // JCB card with length 16 starts with 3
                // JCB card with length 15 starts with 2131 or 1800
                if ((creditCard.length() == 16 && creditCard.startsWith("3"))
                        || (creditCard.length() == 15 && (creditCard
                        .startsWith("2131") || creditCard
                        .startsWith("1800")))) {
                    applyAlgo = true;
                throw new IllegalArgumentException();
        if (applyAlgo) {
            return validate(creditCard);
        return false;
    public static boolean validate(String creditCard) {
        // 4 9 9 2 7 3 9 8 7 1 6
        // 6
        // 1 x 2 = 2  = (0 + 2) = 2
        // 7
        // 8 x 2 = 16 = (1 + 6) = 7
        // 9
        // 3 x 2 = 6 = (0 + 6) = 6
        // 7
        // 2 x 2 = 4 = (0 + 4) = 4
        // 9
        // 9 X 2 = 18 = (1 + 8) = 9
        // 4
        // 6+2+7+7+9+6+7+4+9+9+4 = 70
        // return 0 == (70 % 10)
        int sum = 0;
        int length = creditCard.length();
        for (int i = 0; i < creditCard.length(); i++) {
            if (0 == (i % 2)) {
                sum += creditCard.charAt(length - i - 1) - '0';
            } else {
                sum += sumDigits((creditCard.charAt(length - i - 1) - '0') * 2);
        return 0 == (sum % 10);
    private static int sumDigits(int i) {
        return (i % 10) + (i / 10);
    public final static boolean isValidEmail(CharSequence target) {
        return !TextUtils.isEmpty(target) && android.util.Patterns.EMAIL_ADDRESS.matcher(target).matches();



    上一篇: 检查卡是VISA还是VISAElectron

    下一篇: 用于确定Android中信用卡的正则表达式