Credit Card Payment Providers

I am working with a project where consumer (user of system )have to pay with credit card (airticket). To handle credit card payments i also need to handle merchant account and card validations as well. I looked on some standard providers like Google , Amazon , Paypal . I found pay Pal Rest API for .net . But i don't know this will suit with my workflow . My workflow is (end User) have to choose his credit card and pay for ticket, then payment should be transfer to my clients account (travel agency ) . Can you please suggest some payment solution which can automatically handle merchant account,credit card Validation , and give response after payment example either payment was successful or failure , less redirection to their ,site.

Thanks in Advance

The best solution would be probably a payment gateway. You can look at Shopify Payments Gateway solution Alternatively, you can check Stripe or few bigger ones like PayPal payflow gateway. Gate2Shop or others available in your area.


上一篇: 如何确定信用卡的类型?

下一篇: 信用卡支付提供商