Sorting associative arrays in Python

This question already has an answer here:

  • How do I sort a list of dictionaries by values of the dictionary in Python? 17 answers

  • Use the sorted function's key parameter:

    sorted(people, key=lambda dct: dct['name'])

    There is an excellent Sorting HOWTO which explains how this works.

    >>> people = [
        {'name' : 'Bob', 'number' : '123'},
        {'name' : 'Bill', 'number' : '234'},
        {'name' : 'Dave', 'number' : '567'},
    >>> sorted(people, key=lambda dct: dct['name'])
    [{'name': 'Bill', 'number': '234'}, 
     {'name': 'Bob', 'number': '123'}, 
     {'name': 'Dave', 'number': '567'}]

    Alternatively, you could use

    import operator
    sorted(people, key=operator.itemgetter('name'))

    Using operator.itemgetter('name') is slightly faster than using lambda dct: dct['name'] .


    上一篇: 我如何根据字典中的值对字典列表进行排序?

    下一篇: 在Python中排序关联数组