Marionette.js compared to Chaplin.js

I currently in the process of concepting a large single page web application. There will be a lot of components, so a separation of concerns is important to me. The Server is basically a REST-Server with some sugar, like sending Template Code to the client.

So I need to decide which MVC Framework I want to use client side.

I really like backbone.js so I want to have a big Framework relying on it.

What I came over is Marionette.js and Chaplin.js.

Has anybody used one or both frameworks and can say a little bit about them? Strengths, weaknesses, community behind it or are they basically the same?

This should not be a discussion about which is better, just a short feature list, so I can decide better which one to use, because I don't have the time to really get started with both.

Haven't worked with Marionette but basically Chaplin is a wise decision when:

  • You need a more opinionated architecture. Useful if you need a set of rules/conventions to get up and running in a team.
  • Memory management is a concern.
  • You are maybe coming from a Ruby background and feel more comfortable using Coffeescript.
  • Also, if you are building a big application, in Chaplin get prepared to figure a LOT of things yourself. The documentation is there, but often you will find yourself 'alone in the dark'. Source is well commented though, which is appreciated.

    I have experience with Marionette.js about 1 year. Marionette.js is the best option when you have your own architecture, but you haven't ideas how working with views layer. I like the next scheme:

  • Backbone as core for data layer (models, collection, rest api)
  • Marionette.js for view layer (ItemView for one entity, CollectionView for collection of entities, CompositeView(entity + collection) and so on.
  • Reveal.js data binding
  • HBS as templates
  • Your own routing and core logic
  • I've recommended to you brunch tool - is rich tool to compile, prepare and build your own SPA. Of course you must see Grunt + Yo + Bower its another rich tool.


    上一篇: 动态更改Custom PreferenceScreen的数据

    下一篇: Marionette.js与Chaplin.js相比