unchecking checkbox

I'm using angularjs as much as possible - I'm editing some legacy system and I cannot afford to change too much. So, basically, I need to implement a function that unchecks every checkbox in the page. The easiest solution - without changing too much of the existing system - was to use angular.element . Now I know, this is a REALLY bad solution, but I need to make it work.

Currently, it works (visually at least), since every checkbox gets unchecked, however, on another click the checkbox doesn't work - it needs to be pressed twice, before being activated again.

Here's a demo of how things are and how I've implemented a partial solution: http://jsbin.com/xicubegira/1/edit?html,js,output Use case is as follows.

  • Click on checkbox - the counter will increment to 1, checkbox will become checked
  • Click on checkbox again - the counter will increment to 2, checkbox will become unchecked
  • Click on checkbox - the counter will increment to 3, checkbox will become checked
  • Press the 'uncheck me' button - the counter will not increment, checkbox will become unchecked (which is OK)
  • Click on checkbox again - the checkbox becomes 'checked', but the counter is not incremented!
  • So, how could I uncheck all checkboxes in the page and still maintain initial functionality? I'm guessing the issue here is, that nothing changes in scope of checkbox, so ng-change doesn't get fired.

    Thanks for your help!

    Your issue here is that you'r not changing your model so ng-change cannot be called since the data hasn't change.
    Can't you do a simple set to false of your model :

    $scope.uncheck = function(){        
        $scope.confirmed = false;
    链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/71030.html

    上一篇: 如何仅检查列表中的过滤项目

    下一篇: 取消选中复选框