Check a check box is checked or not using jquery

I want to check a checkbox is checked or not using jquery. When click on the check box, check the checkbox is checked or not using jquery. My code is given below.

   function check(id)
     if($("#id:checked").length == 1)

     <input name="" type="checkbox" value="" 
     id="one<?php echo $i; ?>"  onclick="check(one<?php echo $i; ?>)"/>

Pass the element reference to the method

<input name="" type="checkbox" value="" id="one<?php echo $i; ?>"  onclick="check(this)"/>

then check the checked property value

function check(el) {
    if (el.checked) {

Note: Since you are using jQuery, instead of using inline event handlers try to use jQuery event handlers

In your script the problem is, id is a variable holding the actual id so you need to use string concatenation

function check(id) {
    if ($("#" + id + ":checked").length == 1) {

Also since the id is a string, it has to be enclosed in a '' in the click handler call

<input name="" type="checkbox" value="" id="one<?php echo $i; ?>"  onclick="check('one<?php echo $i; ?>')"/>

上一篇: jQuery onchange事件不会将HTML的禁用属性设置为false

下一篇: 勾选复选框或不使用jquery