Can I apply a gradient along an SVG path?

I'd like to put a simple loading indicator on my website that's triggered by a script. It should be a simple circle arc that's got a gradient and is spinning while the user is waiting. I haven't tried the animation part, but got stuck on the static styling for now. Here's what I've got so far:

<svg version="1.1" baseProfile="full" xmlns=""
    width="100" height="100">
        <linearGradient id="grad1">
            <stop offset="0%" stop-color="red"/>
            <stop offset="100%" stop-color="transparent"/>
    <path d="M50 10  A40 40 0 1 0 90 50"
        stroke="url(#grad1)" stroke-width="10" fill="transparent"/>

It draws the arc, from the top edge anti-clockwise to the right edge (270°), but the gradient is wrong. Instead of following the path so that the beginning (top edge, 0°) is opaque and the end (right edge, 270°) is transparent, the resulting image of the arc stroke is coloured from left to right in screen space.

How can I make the gradient follow my arc path?

Mike Bostock figured out a way, though it's not easy:

Basically, this technique uses getPointAtLength to slice the stroke into many short strokes, specify interpolated color stops for each, and then apply a gradient to each short stroke between those stops.

Good luck if you're up to the challenge ;)

This type of gradient is not easy to achieve in SVG, see SVG angular gradient.

Also, transparent is not a valid color in SVG. You should state stop-opacity as in this example:

I'm afraid the easiest solution might be a series of small arc paths with varying opacity.

Another way is to make two half circles and apply the opposite linear gradient to each's stroke, and make sure they are both contained in ag element. (In my example the combined gradient isn't 270 degrees but 360. Two half-circles are stacked vertically. The first gradient (applied to the top semi-circle's stroke) would be 100-50% opacity, then the next would have 0% to 50%. Both gradients have the unit vector set to x1,y1,y2=0 and x2=1, making them run from left to right.) Then apply transform=rotate(deg,ctrX,ctrY) to the g.


上一篇: 计算沿任意渐变的点的颜色

下一篇: 我可以沿SVG路径应用渐变吗?