compressor with s3 and sass

I am using AWS EC2 to serve my Django app that uses in turn django-compressor to compress js and css files, and uses S3 as the STATIC_ROOT.

I am also using SASS with django-compressor so it is supposed to compile and compress SCSS files. But, when I am executing the command python compress --force I can see that there is an error -

error No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - /var/www/django/myapp/https

it seems as though instead of understanding that the input file path is it tries to resolve a relative path..

I have used the CssAbsoluteFilter recommended and I am quite frustrated because this is a weird behavior.

Of course, DEBUG=False and COMPRESS_ENABLED=True .

Any help?


上一篇: django压缩机响应时间较慢

下一篇: 带s3和sass的压缩机