django compressor slower response time

I am trying to measure response using page load time chrome extension of django app with and without django compressor (by setting COMPRESS_ENABLED to True/False). I did clear browser cache, shutdown/start VM to make sure each test has a same and fresh condition. I also press F12 / Network tab on browser to see number of requests and KB transfer. For each test, I run several different pages and note down the metrics. While it is true that django-compressor enabled shows fewer number of HTTP requests, it appears to me that it has higher page load time than django-compressor disabled.

I understand that with django-compressor enabled, the page might run a bit slower initially as it needs to merge, compress js/css files and write compressed files to S3. But in the test I performed, compressed files are already available in S3 and there were no change in js/css files, thus the overhead of django-compressor is supposed to be minimal.

Anyone has similar issue and if there is setting to make django-compressor faster please advise. Thanks.


上一篇: Django UncompressableFileError

下一篇: django压缩机响应时间较慢